
If there is a singular asset used then I link to it. If I use mutliple assets from a person then I link to their site rather than a particular post or page. This is a huge wip, and I'll be changing out assets on pages if I cannot find credit for them(!) as I want my whole site to be "ethically" made

If I've used an asset across multiple pages, then the one it appears first on (first in the order of my sitemap) is where it'll be credited. They are ordered in what I see as logical i.e. up left to down right across the page and within each section of a page.

The assets within my backgrounds are not yet credited, and won't be for a while. Apologies for this! I'll probably be remaking my bgs soon anyway.

Blinkies, Buttons, and Stamps are credited in their own category. There's a coding resources section at the bottom of this page too!

If you want your asset removing from my site then please email me.


clown Stickers

latvja Stamp

oranges Stamp

hello Sticker

handmade Ribbons


fat is not a dirty word Badge

black lives matter Badge

100% transgendered Badge

marxist mafia... Badge

stats + quizzes Icons

BY clownbonk

SEE ALSO pngblog

BY pngblog

BY Life is Strange Archive

BY Oopsie Doodle

BY clipitcutout

SEE ALSO lovertm

BY key's klubhouse

BY Gendertrash from Hell

BY The Arquives

BY fluffmoth


pixel media Icons

pikachu Divider

new flashing Gif

BY freepik

BY saradika-graphics

ON gifcities


stars gif Divider

C+R bracelet

BY enchantings-a

BY Life is Strange Archive







HTML + CSS basics

status cafe Widget

W3 school

BY petrapixel