WATCHED: (Film) Clue - 1985 dir. Jonathan Lynn
Today I watched Clue for the 3rd time, with my friend Jono who has not seen it before, and it's been catapulted into being one of my favourite films of all time.
Is is a "good" film? No. Does it make total sense? No. Is it funny enough to make up for these facts?... Not really. But I love it. The acting is so superbly camp without ever feeling forced to be over the top.
The plot is convoluted, made even more so by the twists (spoilers ahead about this). And it just is so bad it's good. So many shots are held for a second too long or jokes are played too many times.
Initially I thought that some of the jokes didn't age super well and I kinda agree but also it's so over the top that it's not serious, and it feels like actual those on the other end of the jokes are not the women, but the men.
Love Mrs White! There are so many iconic lines or scenes and I adore the cast. I can't believe Tim Curry was the third choice to play Wordsworth!!
The multiple endings is so fun to watch with someone new to the film as everytime just as they think it's finally over, you get the best reveals.
I could go on and on about the hints dropped throughout the film about the twists and the fact that Mr Green is both a plant and a fruit but I shall stop here. Go watch it!