Credits for where these, and all other, images are from is coming soon! The 2nd is from Key's pin board

Welcome to the home of Toby Elluin!

It's a place for me to share my thoughts, feelings, and the things I love which can be found in their respective blogs up top. This website has been coded by a beginner using Phoenix and Firefox, meaning it's not mobile friendly YET. Feel free to poke at the code!

Seeing Andou's site in April '24 made me join neocities and with the help of Mani's yt tutorial in mid-August. I have a passion for the old and decentralised web!

My current goals for the site are (1) to make it mobile friendly as web accessability is important (2) to make my code make sense by making a css style sheet and the like, and (3) to make using this site sustainable to me! I love the indie web and have a drive to keep this space alive!

CONTACT ME: Comment on my neocities, or sign my Guestbook, or email me at You can also find me on Tumblr (and most other places) @scenemime!

button saying No Nazis, No Facism, No Racism button ditch social media NOW! button saying Sign My Guestbook! button saying Free Palestine NOW!!! flashing button for the Internet Archive button saying Internet Privacy NOW! button saying Not Mobile Friendly button saying Firefox NOW! button saying hosted on neocities button saying AI IS THEFT button saying NO WEBP JUST USE PNG


WEBMASTER'S UPDATES: (not a changelog!)

25/JAN/24: 2024 Media blog is up! It's not extensive (might add more) but it's finally done! Also archived last year's updates

03/JAN/25: Finally updated all so the CRAFTS BLOG now matches!

01/JAN/25: EVENTS BLOG! It matches! and is much more sensical to code in. Not done, but I can rest now


I am a Mime! Click here to take the clown quiz!


I'm Toby, a 20yr old who is based in the North West of England but studies BA History and Politics in the North East. I'm autistic and queer and my birthday is on the 17th of October.


My username comes from a Tumblr post I saw when I was 13ish (before this I used Cosmo as my online name). The term Scene Mimes was used to in a debate about whether mimes were emo clowns, but no! clowns were scene mimes as they came after mimes! and as a teen who loved both scenecore and clowns I had to have it.


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