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@scenemime ~ 2024 - always

Welcome to my diary! This is a place for me to overshare, different to my more currated personal blog
As you can see it's bare right now but I wanted to get the page up an running so I can add to it whenever!

20/SEP/24: So I've completed my second full day of living back in my University city and I am exhausted. As you may have noticed my website progress has grinded to a hault, not only because of how tired I am but also how busy. I'm really trying to push myself this year to be social. I want to ensure I keep up the few connectings I made last year and expand the list of people I know. I was very much a Max Caulfield kinnie last year, lonely walking around listening to indie music and looking at birds. Whereas this year I want to join things and do things!

As long as those things bring me joy and keep with my desire to go to bed at a reasonable time (like 10pm for me). So I've joined the local bouldering gym in an effort to continue what my friends and I started in the summer. It was cool to attend the freshers event, I've already gravitated towards certain people, and I hope to extend this energy to the pole and aerial society. Really trying to keep up some physical activity this year as last year I did nilch.

I'm also trying to consiously prioritise certain things and build better routines. This is so hard though. I'm definately happy that I'm at least making the effort to leave social media and to reduce my tech in general. I have a really strong attachment to YouTube which I cannot shake. I feel so guilty when I play Pokemon for 30 minutes yet I'll spend 5hrs watching Critical Role or cozy vlogs. It'll take time, but I do really want to "better" myself.